Often, substance users and their families agree to treatment when they realize that they are powerless to handle the problem alone. The family is often the hostage of the substance user. At this point, the family must determine what steps to take.
They may suggest attending meetings, finding a sponsor, or setting up an appointment with a therapist. Some families witness their loved one go through detox or an intensive outpatient program. This can be a great first step.
The intervention process should start with the planning. The meeting should be planned in advance. The intervention should begin at a time that the addict is not likely to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This may be in the early morning hours, or a late afternoon if scheduling conflicts do not exist. The location should be comfortable for the person, such as a relative’s home or close friend’s home. The goal is to persuade the person to begin treatment as soon as possible.
An intervention should end with concrete consequences. This is the most effective way to ensure the addict does not backslide from treatment. After all, there are many consequences that an addict can face if he refuses to receive treatment.
It is crucial to remember that intervention does not mean giving in to the demands of an addicted person; it is a process intended to get the person to accept help. The goal is to get the addict to see the urgency of the situation.
During an interventionat addictioninterventions.com, family and friends of the addict will lay out their concerns in a non-aggressive manner. They will share evidence of the addiction and testify to its detrimental effects on relationships. Interventions take time and are most effective when everyone involved is aware of the problems. Ideally, the intervention should take place in a room free from distractions. The final goal is to get the addict to accept the problem and begin taking steps towards recovery.
Implementing an intervention is not always an easy procedure. Despite the fact that it is a very personal process, it should be handled with care. If you aren’t confident in your own abilities, you might want to consider hiring an intervention specialist.
These individuals are more likely than others to be able to effectively address the challenges that your loved one is currently experiencing. The importance of having the support of others, as well as being prepared for the inevitable awkwardness that can occur, cannot be overstated.
An interventionist, whether you are a family member, a friend, or a member of the professional community, is critical to the success of the process. A professional interventionist can guide the process and assist the addict’s family in sharing their feelings as well as developing a plan for rehabilitation.
A well-trained interventionist can help to reduce the amount of stress that everyone involved is experiencing. The interventionist will ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and that the meeting stays on schedule. For family members who are feeling overwhelmed or stressed by the intervention process, a professional interventionist can assist you in staying on track and ensuring that everyone attends the meeting.